Good morning everyone welcome back to connecting with kids. My name's Debi and I am glad you are here. Let me ask you something, have you ever moved to a new town and had to go to a new school where you knew no one at all? It can be pretty scared can't it. I know that feeling because I was the new kid several times as I grew up. see my parent's always seemed to move to a new town every year and each year I had to start over and make new friends. One time I even got lost in the hall way as I learned where my classes were. The teacher even yelled at me because I was late to class But as time went on I got used to where things were and things got easier. If you are a new student some where I hope you don't give up because as tough as it might be things will get better.
In today's story we meet Ellen And Clair, Clair was the new girl and Ellen was asked to show her around. As you read learn how Clair was the one who was shown something special. And that was the love Jesus has for each one of us and how special we are to Him. If your ready here we go-
To most Ellen Gardener was considered a “wall flower” you know, that term unpopular girls get tagged with when they aren’t as pretty as the others in their class? But Ellen didn’t feel much like a flower; flowers are supposed to be pretty and attractive and have a fragrance one can’t stay away from. She wasn’t any of those things, in her opinion and in the opinion of those she should have had protection and love from- her parents. They were always trying to change her into something she wasn’t. Something she could not become because it wasn’t in her. Because they didn’t love her for who she was she didn’t love herself. She grew up trying to be someone her parents would approve of and love. She tried to be “someone else”
Then one day at school she was asked to show the new girl around school because everyone else was too busy doing other things. So with a melancholy attitude she began her task of showing the new girl around.
“Hi “Ellen said smiling but looking down instead of straight at her.
“Hi!” The bubbly upbeat voice of the new girl responded.
“My names Clair what’s yours? “
“Hey Ellen it’s really great to meet you.”
“Thanks.” Ellen said less then enthusiastic.
Suddenly a few of the “popular kids” passed by them and began to snicker and call out nasty names. As they walked the grounds and Ellen showed Clair around, Clair began to feel a need to speak from her heart.
“Hi!” The bubbly upbeat voice of the new girl responded.
“My names Clair what’s yours? “
“Hey Ellen it’s really great to meet you.”
“Thanks.” Ellen said less then enthusiastic.
Suddenly a few of the “popular kids” passed by them and began to snicker and call out nasty names. As they walked the grounds and Ellen showed Clair around, Clair began to feel a need to speak from her heart.
“It may not be my place but I noticed those kids said some pretty mean things to you.”
Ellen just shrugged
“That must have hurt.”
“I’m used to it.” Ellen said nonchalantly.
“You know you aren't the only one who suffered through others name calling and teasing.”
“Yep, Jesus was also called names and teased.Just because of who he was and what others saw on the outside.
“Yep, and you know what he did-?”
“He forgave them for they knew not what they did.”
Ellen was quiet so Clair went on-
“The Bible says in Luke 23:34 Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
" Forgive them, its just all I can do to ignore them." Ellen said lowering her voice.
Ellen just shrugged
“That must have hurt.”
“I’m used to it.” Ellen said nonchalantly.
“You know you aren't the only one who suffered through others name calling and teasing.”
“Yep, Jesus was also called names and teased.Just because of who he was and what others saw on the outside.
“Yep, and you know what he did-?”
“He forgave them for they knew not what they did.”
Ellen was quiet so Clair went on-
“The Bible says in Luke 23:34 Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
" Forgive them, its just all I can do to ignore them." Ellen said lowering her voice.
" But if you keep ignoring them they will think its alright to do that. And its not. No one should be mean like that.
“But it hurts sometimes and I can’t take it.”
“I know. “
They both stood silent for a moment,
“May I share something else with you?”
“Sure why not, today is so not what I was expecting already."
"That can be a good thing sometimes, what I want to share with you is another passage from. Ephesians 2:10
It says:
“For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
“God, has a plan for me?”
"Yes for each of us. We are here for a reason and you are beautiful just the way you are. Don’t you see God created each of us in His glorious image it says so in Gen 1:27.”
"Sometimes though –
"I know but you know what helped me besides Gods word?"
“The serenity prayer-"
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
“I like that” Ellen said smiling for the first time since they had been together.
"I’m glad, shall we say it together."
Yes I’d like that.”
They said the prayer in unison just as the bell for lunch rang.
Oh its lunch time, care to join me?:
I’d like that.”
“I think we are going to be great friends.” Ellen said smiling as they hugged.
“I know. “
They both stood silent for a moment,
“May I share something else with you?”
“Sure why not, today is so not what I was expecting already."
"That can be a good thing sometimes, what I want to share with you is another passage from. Ephesians 2:10
It says:
“For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
“God, has a plan for me?”
"Yes for each of us. We are here for a reason and you are beautiful just the way you are. Don’t you see God created each of us in His glorious image it says so in Gen 1:27.”
"Sometimes though –
"I know but you know what helped me besides Gods word?"
“The serenity prayer-"
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
“I like that” Ellen said smiling for the first time since they had been together.
"I’m glad, shall we say it together."
Yes I’d like that.”
They said the prayer in unison just as the bell for lunch rang.
Oh its lunch time, care to join me?:
I’d like that.”
“I think we are going to be great friends.” Ellen said smiling as they hugged.
Wow... I am Ellen! Oh, my gosh. I went through the same kinds of things my whole childhood. There's so many 'God stop' moments for me in this story, I don't think I can list them all. All these many years later I still think about all the time what I went through as a child all through school. It still effects me every day. The 'me' that I see inside, is so opposite from the 'me' that the world sees. It has just been in the last couple months that I have begun praying that God will help me to become that bubbly, outgoing, life-of-the-party me that I see inside. The world sees a shy and withdrawn Carley; and I have felt my whole life like I have been screaming for someone to notice me. Lately, I've been getting the feeling like God is telling me that He has, and He will restore the missing years. Thank you so much for this story. I know your blog title says Connecting with Kids... but I can tell you that it's also for adults too.
I'm glad this story touched you. I wrote this from an experience I had being the new kid. and I'm also glad God noticed you , you are precious in his eyes Jesus did say those with a child like spirit will enter heaven. and come to me lil children. Personally if we grow up , we grow old. And I dont wanna grow old.